Next week: Homecoming!
Hi guys!
Today we're going dress shopping for homecoming! The dance is on friday so we better find one today...
So the coming week is spirit week (homecoming week)
Every day there's a theme that you are following! We got the theme 80's this year so the week is like this:
Monday: 80's Attire Day
Tuseday: Superhero Day
Wednesday: Color Wars (Juniors are wearing red)
Thursday: Red and Gold Day (school colors)
Friday: 80's Movie/Music/Arcade Day
But we'll se how much we can do of it, I didn't thought of bringing my 80's costumes in my 20 kg luggage.. ;)
And on friday there's the football game and the dance:) So hopefully it will be a fun week:)
But now I have to write an essay in US history for tomorrow... It never ends... And I am still so tired, wish me luck!

Postat av: Mamma
Det gör jag. Jag tycker du verkar klara det strålande!!! Hoppas du får en riktigt rolig vecka. Neonfärger, plastörhängen och mycket axelvaddar är det som gäller på 80- talet. Puss och kram