Jaha, nu sitter man har i skolan i detta klassrum i Web Design for sista gangen! Ja, ni laste ratt! Idag ar min sista dag pa Rossview High School! Hur sjukt ar inte det pa en skala? Sjalv kan jag inte forsta det! Kandes som man nyss kom hit, men nu 10 manader senare sitter man har, pa dagen man trodde var valdigt langt borta!
Vet inte hur jag ska kanna! Jag menar, sommarlov ftw!! Men det finns manniskor som jag formodligen aldrig mer kommer traffa efter idag! Jag pratar inte om mina kompisar har, dem har jag ju en hel mandad kvar med! Men alla de personer som bara finns dar och gor klassen och skolan komplett! Manniskor som man pratar och skrattar med, men som man inte direkt traffar utanfor skolans vaggar. Dom kommer man ju att sakna!
Och alla larare! Jag har verkligen haft tur med mina larare, tycker om de allihopa!
For att inte namna hur mycket jag kommer sakna skolan! High School!
Under den har tiden har jag lart mig att det finns mycket i det amerikanska skolsystemet som skulle behova lite forandring. Jag har jamfort det med sverige och hittat massa saker som ar battre med den svenska skolan, som maten och friheten att kunna ga pa toa utan att ha en note, for att inte namna att lamna skolan!
Men det finns sa mycket som jag kommer sakna, som liksom vager upp alla nackdelar!
(Jag kommer nu overga till engelska, da jag finner det valdigt jobbigt att sakna de tre sista bokstaverna i det svenska alfabetet).
I think there's no other place where you can get an entire school to dress up in 80s costumes during homecoming or in school colors and cheer and scream during pep-rallies and games! Where the entire student section gives mental luck to the basketball players with spirit fingers or sing and dance when we score.
I don't think there's another place where you everyday get at least 20 comments about how cute you look today, and at least 5 of those are from complete strangers in the hallway.
There's no other place where your teachers call you "honey", "sweetie", or "baby", and you don't feel scared or sexuallly harassed... It's just the way it works in the south and they really care for their students!
There's no possible way that there's another Mr. Martin anywhere else. Who, EVERYDAY, smiles and hugs the students and asks every passing soul how they are doing. "How's your day going honey?" "Have a nice day!" "Always smiling, I like that!" I don't know how he does it, but he manages to brighten everybody's day, every day! He even got an own t-shirt sold in school. His face on the front and on the back, his famous "Have a nice day!
And people, it's only in America you would come up with the idea of selling those shirts!
I could go on for ever and ever! But I won't. I'm just gonna miss this so so much! Being a part of high school. Because school here is not just a place where you go to learn and then you're done. No, this is where you have your friends, your activities and your life outside of school as well.
I can't belive this is almost over, it doesn't make any kind of sense to me! I have so mixed feelings about this, a bittersweet feeling. Because, guys back home in Sweden, I miss yall like crazy and you can't see the smile on my face when I think about seeing you again, or hugging you again after 11 months. But I have a life here now, too. A life, I will never get back! So leaving here is gonna be one of the toughest things I will have to do, but I am so happy I have all of these memories.
Okay Lovisa! Don't get too sentimental now! You still got another 40 days to go!
True! And I'm planning to make those the best days so far!
Okay, the bell is about to ring, and that means I'm off to the next class and next photo session! Pics will come up later folks! Stay tuned!